Sunday 27 April 2008

More "what I did today"

Today I worked in the city. There must be something in the air this weekend - there were people having fights. Real ones, with punching and stuff. Apparently last night too. Fights.

Then I visited my bro. He lives where I used to live. I caught the train I used to catch home. It was already dark so I didn't get to admire the bits along the trainline that I used to like looking at. He has the place looking much nicer than it did when I lived there. We ate out. Shredded duck soup. I imagined a papery duck being fed through a shredder. But it wasn't like that. Then we had ice-cream at his place and talked about the television we don't watch. I would like to watch more TV, I think. Maybe?

I came home. Simon has gone to Sydney. Working. We spoke on the phone. He was in a shopping centre and I could hear twangy shopping centre music in the background and checkout announcements that sounded like Daleks. We talked about the relative merits of that supermarket and our usual Supermarket. He believed they had a wider range of muesli at the Sydney one. And he said there was so much broccoli there it made him feel like he was flying over the Amazon.

While Simon talked about broccoli, I had one of those moments of marveling at the wonders of a technology that is old news. You know, like, there's my phone with Simon's voice coming out of it and it is completely usual to understand that he is elsewhere and fill in the distance between us. Must have been a different feeling when phones were first around?

On the same thought sometimes I look at wee kids now who can have their photo taken and straight away see it in the back of the camera and I wonder what sort of difference that might make. To the way they understand things. If any? I try to remember being very little and wonder if I understood when somebody pointed a camera at me what it was all about. I can't remember though. Can you?

I guess working around technology and children I should be used to such contrasts. This whole 'internet' doowhacky... there's another one right there. OMG.


Simon caught up with Dillon and Skardi and Connor this evening. He said Dillon has been making robot mice. (Them folk and their robots... (How is the robot monkey Simon?)) Apparently the mice have been running away from the light instead of towards it. This wasn't the intention so it counts as a mistake. But would anybody know it was a mistake if you didn't tell them?


dell said...

yay for cake!

you makes me happy... shredded wee duck...

I distinctly remember getting photos in the mail from my distant aunt pene, and wondering how she could see me from there... little, & with no idea about cameras...

dell said...

the magic of cameras... reminds me of little Louis asking Adam 'what kind of magic is this?' of a polaroid photo of himself...

LM said...

I always wonder who came up with dishes of food. How did they get all of those ingredients and decide that it was a good idea to do all of that with them?

rhymes with pony said...

shredded paper duck is less horrific than the real alternative which brings to mind a struggling and distressed duck being forced into what, in my mind, looks like a past roller. Its head streching to the sky to delay the inevitable and distressed eye darting around desperately.

I was thinking about the phone thing at work today. A procession of strangers around victoria keep popping into my ear and telling me about films they plan to come to today or the next day, visiting the site that had been temporarily collapsed for the duration of our phone call.

rhymes with pony said...

that should say pastA roller.

a past roller is an interesting idea. Something that rolls it past you like a parade? or something that flattens it into a 2 dimensional recolection?