Saturday 9 February 2008

Skip this if you don't like reading about dreams

For a reason that wasn't quite clear aeroplanes had stopped traveling to Canada. Melbourne was full of stranded Canadians, camping on the beach and beside the highway.

The desperate, homeless Canadians were a big story in the media. Their main complaint, when interviewed, was that they didn't have anywhere to cook. They were living on an unhealthy diet of junk food.

*News story cuts to dramatic closeup of Canadian woman camped on the beach, night time, camera crew's lights shining in her face, weeping in between mouthfuls of a barbequed chicken roll from KFC.*

I turned to my mother, incredulous, upon watching this. "Don't they know they can just go to the Vic Market and get some carrots and fruit and things?" I said. "What's their problem? Sheez."

I was living at home with my parents, in their old house. My mother had insomnia and to deal with it would get up and mow the lawns in the middle of the night. One morning I went out to discover she had mowed so emphatically that there were deep muddy trenches in the ground. No grass left.

I also found a series of five bloodied cat's tails which she had accidentally mowed off of the neighbour's cats. She was surreptitiously handing a tail to a cat that had come back looking for it. "Shouldn't you tell the neighbours?" I said but she got defensive.

I found three cats near the fence that had died after losing their tails. Along with the one tail Mum had just returned to its owner, that left one tail unaccounted for. It was a ginger and white tail. I held it out to a ginger and white cat that was walking past but then saw that he already had a tail. It was just a coincidence he was walking by. The tail remained unclaimed.

I decided to print up some 'FOUND' posters about the lost tail, in case its owner was still looking for it. I asked the ladies at Alice Euphemia if they could put one up in the shop but they seemed reluctant to do so.

[Dream interpretation, anyone?]

1 comment:

dell said...

i like hearing about dreams, i also like looking at other peoples holiday photos and slide shows...